I have deleted a codomain "name.mydomain.tld" of Client A/Web A (old.mydomain.tld) and tried to assign this codomain now to a another Client/Web: Client B/Web B (new.mydomain.tld) I deleted the codomain from Web A and also from Trash but when I try to reassign it to Web B, I get the message that this domain is already assigned to another customer!? (I waited at least 30 minutes, so its obviously no update problem)
Please have a look in all the tras folders. I'am shure the co-domain is still there in one of the trash folders.
No, as far as I can see, all Trash-Folders are emty: Administration, Customers, DNS, Billing. Then I logged in as Client A and his folder too is empty. The ISPconfig log showed nothing unexpected: and a manual restart of Apache didn't help either Edit: I assigned the codomain back to Client A (no problem), then logged in as Client A, deleted the co domain from there but the message remains the same.
No, I didn't find it, but I finally made it. But I it was pure luck. And I don't know exactly what happend. Anyway, here a description what I did, if anyone else gets the same problem: The Site-Distribution was: Client A: www.mydomain.tld and mydomain.tld Client B: old.mydomain.tld and co.mydomain.tld Client C: new.mydomain.tld To change co.mydomain.tld from Client B to Client C, I deleted mydomain.tld from Client A. Then I reassigned co.mydomain.tld to Client C and then reassigned mydomain.tld to Client A (thats it, more or less) The Site-Distribution is: Client A: www.mydomain.tld and mydomain.tld Client B: old.mydomain.tld Client C: new.mydomain.tld and co.mydomain.tld
Reassigning Co-Comain Hello, I m not sure about how ISPConfig stores it's domains yet but where I work we have three places where the domain has to be removed from in order to re-assign or delete and re-create 1- /var/named/domain.tld then we also have to remove it from the /etc/userdomains and then from the /etc/trueuserdomains And then we are free to re-assign or delete or what have you. I hope this helps you as I will be checking this out myself. See yaz,
If it is a co-domain, you will ahve to delete the domain, then empty the recycle bin and create the domain in the website of a new customer. If you want to reassign a complete website, use the move website tool that you find under tools in ISPConfig. You dont have to edit or modify anything on the shell or any config files!
Reassigning Co-Comain Thanks till, I was trying to hep with where to go and what to look for. Much appreciated....