what dns addresses should i use so that i can host mikeswebb.com on ispconfig?? can i use an ip address other than ?? followed tutorial "the perfect fc4 setup" then installed ispconfig. our dsl business plan with sbc gave us the following ip's thru .142 dsl using cayman 3500: cayman router using dns dns cayman has internal web server and its port address has been changed from 80 to 8080 cayman has internal ftp server and its port address has been changed from 23 to 2323 this was done so as to not interfer with the new internal web server at pinhole created to allow access thru the cayman firewall (i guess); settings are tcp extern port start 80 extern port stop 80 lan address (computer with ispconfig) internal port 80 believe cayman dsl router setting are complete ? i have a web site the name is mikeswebb.com it is set to the following dns dns31.register.com dns32.register.com what should i change this to ??? dns dns or ?? if it is .142 can i use instead ??
The authoritative name servers for mikeswebb.com are dns31.register.com and dns32.register.com. These are the name servers where you have to create/change the DNS records for mikeswebb.com (set the A record to You have to forward all needed ports from your router to your ISPConfig system (e.g. 80 for http, 81 for ISPConfig, 25 for SMTP, 21 for FTP, 22 for SSH, 53 (TCP and UDP) for DNS, 110 for POP3, 143 for IMAP, 443 for https, ...).
list of ports to forward is their a complete list of all the ports that need to be forwarded from the router to the ispconfig computer ?? also it looks to me like i must create a pinhole for each of the ports such as: tcp extern port start 80 extern port stop 80 lan address (computer with ispconfig) internal port 80 ftp extern port start 21 extern port stop 21 lan address (computer with ispconfig) internal port 21 i can't say something like this: tcp extern port start 10 extern port stop 1000 lan address (computer with ispconfig) internal port 80 because internally everything would be trying to run on port 80. correct?
The list is already pretty complete. If you do the latter, all ports from 10 to 1000 would be forwarded to port 80 which will not work.
thanks man changed everything over will give this a try. now on to my next problem but i thing its best to start a new thread. thanks for the help !!!!!