Hi all, I have set up a Perfect Server in Ubuntu 14.04 according to this tut: https://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-...2-php-mysql-pureftpd-bind-dovecot-ispconfig-3 I am aware of the ability to be able to configure an SSL cert for the IP address as in https://www.howtoforge.com/securing...h-a-free-class1-ssl-certificate-from-startssl, however I would like to organise to attach a host name to the control panel (controlpanel.myhostname.com) and associate the SSL cert with that. This way, when I move the server to a new IP address (likely within the next 12 months) I will be able to take the cert with me. Also, it looks prettier for my clients. I have set up a CNAME record with my hostname (server1.myhostname.com) but I haven't configured a site, so it goes to the standard page I have configured. The CNAME record was in order for my spam report to be low on my e-mails. (DKIM install according to Florian's guide located at http://blog.schaal-24.de/ispconfig/ispconfig-dkim-patch/?lang=en - what a dude). I have tried to set up an A record, however you can't associate DNS with an alternate port, so it assigns to 80 as opposed to 8080, which has the same result as the CNAME for the time being. Any help appreciated for how to configure this. I'm missing something here, and it's driving me nuts. TIA edooze
I'm tracking it down. It turns out when I use https://www.domain.com:8080, I get the ISPConfig login screen (duh!). I guess i just have to install the certificate as described at the above link. Watch this space. It turns out the system is (and, indeed, the devs are) much smarter than I.