Hi, just a quick question, i'm creating an ansible script to allow us to anything from create a new ispconfig server (dedicated for web/dns/control panel/db/mail as required) automatically, to recreating our entire multi-server setup in one go. not necessarily for DR, maybe a clean install for testing/staging, so i might not be restoring db's, or /etc or /opt folders. but there are manual steps to this within the control panel, etg configuring server services, server config, additional php versions, adding a remote user. i would also like to automate these parts. is it safe to configure these by setting them with an sql script (just on the main DB, not on each individual server db)? are there any gotcha's i need to know about? anything that needs to be set/triggered for the db changes to take effect? thanks lee.
Manual changes in the database are no valid configuration instructions and will get ignored by the server script. Write a php shell script that uses the remote api to configure the settings.
Automating the required tasks can be done using ansible, because ansible has lot of application and database, it supports.