Do you have a desktop installed on FC5? There must be some item in the control center that allows you to share the internet connection.
"There must be some item in the control center that allows you to share the internet connection." Yes I have xwindows running... If there is some tool in FC5 I don't know about it.
I don't know exactly where this is in Gnome, but there must be something like a control center or system settings where you can configure the connection sharing. Just browse a little bit through your menu.
I've looked through the desktop options through Gnome and have come up with nothing... And I've spent a lot of time searching. Is it possible KDE desktop offers tools that Gnome's desktop doesn't all through the default FC5 installation? Just to let you know... I am new to Linux. I've had very little training and I just want to use it for the sake of learning. Also could there be a yum install/update that your aware of? And should I disable SE Linux... I've read countless times that this feature doesn't work right and causes at the very least Internet Application problems? Though I haven't ran into any problems with SE, I'll take experienced users advice.
That's strange... I don't think so. If you ask for my opinion: yes, disable it. It causes too much problems...
OK, so if I havent overlooked the tool that shares my NIC through Gnome and there's no tool in KDE then I guess there's no built in tool in FC5 that shares internet connections. Is there anyway I could do it through the command line? Is there a yum update or package download I could use to help me share my connection? I just don't know what to do next.
You could install a firewall like Shorewall. It is possible to configure internet connection sharing with it. Run Code: yum search shorewall to see if there's a FC5 package for it. If not, you have to install the sources.