I've got a box running ISPConfig and a few domains and I'd like to change the box's host and domain name without reinstalling ISPConfig. Changing the core Debian host/domain name and PostFix seems straightforward enough (some searches and replaces). Ditto for Apache, DNS, MySQL and other services. What I'm concerned about is whether ISPConfig stuffs the server's host and domain name into its MySQL database, or what in the database would need to be changed. Has anyone done this on a working server? Advice, cautions, gotchas? TIA. ________ Montana Medical Marijuana
For ISPConfig, you must change the domain in the file /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/config.inc.php and in the ISPConfig interface under Management > Server > Settings
You might also have to replace the server name in /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/httpd.conf (you have to restart ISPConfig aterwards).