ispconfig multiserver on ubuntu 14.04 1 server running control panel. (not enabled as client web server) (hostname: cp) 2 servers running bind (1 local 1 geo-remote) 1 server running postfix 1 server running database (percona) (hostname: db) 1 server running apache2 (hostname: web1) 1 server running apache2 and db (percona) (hostname:vps1) (vps for 1 client) 1 non ispconfig server running nfs4. 1 folder exported for website files, mounted at /var/www on cp and web1 1 folder exported for web/db backups, mounted at /var/backup on cp, db, web1, and vps1 issue 1: after the recent clock change, i noticed that the servers were running on UTC, so times were 1 hour out. 've run dpkg-reconfigure tzdata on all the servers, selecting EUROPE/London, date now returns <date> <time> BST <year> the ispconfig daily cron script runs at 00:30, the website/database backups show the correct file creation times, but use the utc/gmt time in the filename, and on the control panel backup tab: -rwxr-x--- 1 root root 782272559 Apr 3 00:34 web6_2016-04-02_23-34.tar.gz 2016-04-05 23:36 Website files web6_2016-04-05_23-35.tar.gz 2016-04-05 23:30 MySQL Database db_c1x2kkuk_x2k_2016-04-05_23-30.sql.gz there is no timezone set in any php.ini files on these servers, i can't see anywhere in ispconfig to set the timezone, how do i get it to use the correct times in the filenames and in the control panel? issue 2: vps1 has the website and database on the same server, and the backups of both are available through the control panel to both download and restore. sites on the web1 server have their databases on the db server, although all the servers are backing up to the same shared folder mounted at /var/backup. in the control panel, the website backup files are available to download or restore, the database backups are only available to restore. is there any way to make them available to download as well? issue 3: we now have 22 clients (including 1 reseller) configured on the system. in the control panel, interface-> main config -> misc the customer no. template is C[customer no.] the customer no. start value is 1 the customer no. counter is 22 if, as admin i start to add another client now, the customer number field would be pre-populated with C23. if the reseller tried to add another client the customer number field would be pre-populated with C1. assuming the reseller works through being told the customer number is already used and successfully manages to create a new customer with the customer number C23, if i, as admin, now try to add another new client, the customer number field is still pre-populated with C23, i have to manually change it to C24, and then next time it's still pre-populated with C23. i have to go and change the customer number counter in the interface main config area. what's going on here? how do i fix this? issue 1 is a minor niggle, i can live with it, but would prefer it to be fixed. issue 2 is an annoyance, i can live with it for now, but would become more annoying as more clients are added and asking to download the db, i can get away with telling them to export it using phpmyadmin assuming they haven't already broken something in the db. issue 3 needs to be fixed.
The timezone is configured in the ispconfig configuration files "". No, remotely stored mysql databases are not available as a download. They can only be restored to the database.
cool. nice easy fix for the timezone. thanks, i suspected that would be the case for remote db's. what about issue 3, any idea what could be causing anything like this?