I am having the same issue asa reported here: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/csrf-attempt-blocked.83026/ Trying to delete a "A" DMS record from a zone. I want to keep the zone, just delete a particular "A" record and I get this message: CSRF attempt blocked.
Can you link to the git commit ? I cant find it. Is it this?: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/commit/a1d4fd4828408ba33c53dfcfe14b1618f4a68c56 Is it enough to do this on masterserver or all servers in multiserver ?
Please disregard my previous message. When doing ispconfig_update.sh I used the default option [stable] NOT git-stable as you recommended. This did resolve my issue and I was able to delete the "A" record. Thank you!