
Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by andlo, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. andlo

    andlo New Member

    What about Danish language support ?

    I can do the translation if you need it.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Hi Andreas,

    you will find some informations on how to translate the language files here:


    Instead of using the language files attached to the forum post i recommend
    to search for the en.lng files below the directory /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/
    in an installed ISPConfig version, make a copy named dk.lng of each file and
    translate the contents inside. When you send us the translated .lng files we can merge them in the main source tree of ISPConfig.
  3. c_fuglsang

    c_fuglsang New Member

    Is the Danish translation available?


    Did you finish the Danish translation? And is it available for others to use it?

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    We didn't get Danish language files from anyone, so it looks as if you have to do it yourself.
  5. MicCo

    MicCo New Member

    Danish languages files

    Just to inform You all !

    We at MicCo WebDesign have made an complete translation of the ISPConfig, and are working on the Help files, we do hope to have time to do the Manuals too, and to have them includet in the future releases of the ISPConfig.

    Right now we are working on solving some error messages from the server that we are running the test of the ISPConfig at, see this post for that.
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2006
  6. MicCo

    MicCo New Member

    Hello Falko,

    We will need to recive an copy of the english manual in original document, not as Adobe document PDF, for starting to translate it into danish.

    We are all done with the translations for the system language and the help files, but there seems to be some of the values of languages that have been hardcoded, am I wrong or right ?, e.g. (in MB).

    Also we will like to deliver an set of help files at a later time, with an more helpfull text for each help option, describing the use of the options in the help files.

    The download link under our signature, will change with the status of the translation, for now the status will change to +System, +Help, - Manual.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    Please send a email to dev [at] ispconfig [dot] org to get the aources of the manuals.

  8. MicCo

    MicCo New Member

    Hello Till,

    Thanks, we do that.

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