Debian 10 - Postfix/Dovecot/Amavisd Email problem. Can send emails but cannot receive

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mezelf, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means your local mail system is working properly and the issue is probably either that port 25 incoming is blocked or you have an issue with your DNS setup (invalid MX records). You should ask the support of the company that provides the internet connection for this system (that's either the data center where you host it or if you run the server at home or in office, then it's the ISP that provides you with internet access.
    mezelf likes this.
  2. mezelf

    mezelf Member

    Thank you for your reply. Just a quick reply: When I do:
    "netstat -tuplen | grep 25", I can see that the postfix master deamon is listening to it.
    "sudo iptables -nL | grep 25", it returns nothing which indicates no rules have been defined for port 25 which indicates firewall does not block it, I guess.
    This site is hosted on a VPS. It is great to hear that the mail system is working. I shall concentrate on the MX records....
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This just shows that you are not blocking port 25, it does not show though if your vps hoster is blocking port 25. Some hosters do that. Contact the support of your VPS hosting company and ask them if they block port 25. And if they say they don't block that port, proceed with checking your DNS records.
    mezelf likes this.
  4. mezelf

    mezelf Member

    Indeed. It was the hosting-provided firewall (configured by me via their control panel) that blocked incoming traffic for the ports used by SMTP including port 25. Once opened, it worked.

    Looking back, I have missed the biggest sign. The lack of incoming message handling in the mail.log. Instead I focused on other, maybe, circumstantial stuff, though learned quite some stuff. Sorry for taking the time of the people who helped me here.

    Thank you and to all other forum participants for their help! I really appreciate it!
    till likes this.
  5. alemarengo

    alemarengo New Member

    Thanks Till,
    actually now it works, I can send/receive email regularly. Now I have to manage the ***UNCHECKED** issue, so... I'll check out some other posts. :) Thanks for your support.
  6. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means it wasn't checked by amavis, probably a problem with your as well.
  7. alemarengo

    alemarengo New Member

    It’s with high probability that this is a memory issue. I’m waiting to increase from 1GB to 2. Then I’ll let you know.

    It seemed to be a memory issue the one related to ***unchecked*** email subjects. Increasing it from 1 to 2GB, amavis is running flawlessly. At least, it seems so so far. :)
    Thanks for support.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
  8. alemarengo

    alemarengo New Member

    Hi guys,
    how much memory does amavis need to work?
    After increasing memory to 2GB, it has only worked under 1,2GB memory used. Should I increase ram again?
    Any suggestion?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This depends on how much load you have on the system and how many amavis instances you use. I would say 2GB should be fine for a smaller system. As long as the system works now, I would leave it as it is. You might also consider switching the system to rspamd:

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