Lots of people have problems with new kernels. it so easy.. here you can find the original link. I have AMD 1400CPU , so I am going to install the k7 version apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.8-3-k7 search for the kernel like this: apt-cache search kernel-image-2.6 and dont forget to update your initrd file if you use md devices and raid, on your root device, check if you do. first put the modules for /etc/modules in the /etc/mkinitrd/modules cat /etc/modules >> /etc/mkinitrd/modules lsmod | grep raid if you see md and/or raid add the lines to /etc/mkinitrd/modules raid1 md check which kernel libaries are on your system here: ls /lib/modules on my system gives 2.6.8-3-k7 2.4.18-bf2.4 2.4.27-10-hpt i was running kernel 2.4.27-10-hpt now but we need the modules from the new kernel. now make a new initrd: -o for the ouput file and then the kernel version. mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.imd-2.6.8-3-k7 2.6.8-3-k7 and update grup : update-grub reboot your server. if your server doesn't boot, reboot with the old kernel and run lsmod again and check for other modules. sugestions or improvements send then to me. [email protected] , thanx.