Debian - The Perfect Server Setup

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by micko_escalade, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. micko_escalade

    micko_escalade New Member

    Again falko thanks for your help on this!

    If you post a link somewhere else related to this issue can please send me a link so I can follow it?
  2. pixeluser

    pixeluser New Member

    Hello, I found the Solution with ISPConfig,
    There are problems with the PHP open_basedir restrictions, your need to add the paths to following folders into the domain:


    and the path to your webmail directory inside the domain.

    regards pixeluser
  3. micko_escalade

    micko_escalade New Member

    Thanks for sharing!
  4. pixeluser

    pixeluser New Member

    You also need:

    :/var/spool/squirrelmail/attach/ for forward.

    Regards pixeluser

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