In ISPconfig 2 you have a DNS Default Ns1 and Ns2 option (Management > Settings > DNS) Now I'm testing ISPconfig 3, and would like to set the default DNS. Where can I find this option? Is this in System > Server > Nameservers, and if so should I add it like ns1.domain.tld, ns2.domain.tld (separated with commas?)
There is no default dns settings as ispconfig 3 does not create dns records automatically when you add a website.
So in System > Server > Nameservers I need to enter the IP's of the DNS that I created at lets say godaddy (exampel) I named the NS: ns1.domain.tld with as IP: A.. ns2.domain.tld with as IP: B.. On the server I have 5 IP's. 2 IP's I want to use for the nameserver. In System > Server > Nameservers I enter A.., B.. (with a comma)? Sorry.. I'm used to ISPconfig 2 :-/
ISPConfig 3 has no default setting for nameservers. The field in the server settings are the nameservers that your server uses to resolve domains (the servers listed in /etc/resolv.conf) and not the nameservers that you uses for your own domains.