Hi. I've just finished the The Perfect Server – CentOS 7 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3) and everything works. Only problem is that I don't know the default username/password to login using FTP. Any clues? Or should I just create a new admin FTP user via SSH? Thanks in advance!!!
There is no ftp default user. You create a ftp user for your website in ISPConfig and then login with the username and password that you used to create that ftp user.
Thanks for your reply Till. Where exactly in ISPConfig? I go to Sites > FTP-Accounts, try to add a new FTP user without specifying a server (I want to upload files for my main site - not for a hosted server) and it says that I need to select a web server to create the user. I've also tried creating a simple new user (as client) and can't log in my FTP client with those credentials. Thanks again!
You have to select a webiste off course that you created in ISPConfig. There is no such thing like a main site on a ispconfig server, all sites are equal and all sites have to be added within ispconfig.
What I mean is: After I follow the guide I have a website "A". Site A displays the default Apache "Testing 123.." page. If I create a client and that client and his website (website "B"), that user will have access to the FTP of that website B and he can change his default pages BUT, website "A" will continue to display "Testing 123.." What I need is to be able to upload files to the root account
This is displayd until you add your first website. maybe you sed a wrong hostname? The hostname of the server ahs to be s subdomain like server1.example.com If you used a domain like example.com instead of a subdomain, then you will not be able to use example.com as website or for email on this server.