Default Host "www" ???

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Piccent, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. Piccent

    Piccent New Member


    I set all my domains, that are hosted on my server with no hostname, because my Webmailclient needs the Mailadress with no "www". Can I stop the ISPConfig gives as default host the "www"? And the bigger problem, can I stop that ISPConfig automatically puts "www" into the host space every time I chance the settings of the page???

    Greetz Marc
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Cant you put a co-domain without www as co-domain on the website or do you read the isp_isp_web table directly from your webmail client?
  3. Piccent

    Piccent New Member

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What exactly is the problem now?
  5. Piccent

    Piccent New Member

    The problem is, every time I chance at the site-settings, for host "www" is filled in, and the domain is set from to
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can change this only by editing the form with the form designer.

    1) Make a backup of your ISPConfig database with phpmyadmin.

    2) In ISPConfig, go to management > form designer > edit form, now click on edit for the "ISP - isp web" form, then click on edit on the "web_host" field, remove the value "www" in the Default field and hit safe.

    When you create new websites without host www, you will have to edit the automatically created co-domain and set the host there to www.
  7. Piccent

    Piccent New Member

    Great, thx...

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