Hello HTF friends, Setup : Multi-server OS : Ubuntu 18.0.4 Server type : Nginx/1.18.0 Databse : mySql Afeter updating my to 20.04 my nameservers are no longer responding. After troubleshooting i tracked it down to name giving the following errors : Code: ns1 named[3190]: client @0x7f08e800cb70 (website.com/): query (cache) 'website.com/A/IN' denied There are many, almost all domains are giving these errors. Anyone ever experienced something similar? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Definitely did run the update with reconfigure services. I think i might have found the problem. My named.conf.local file is blank. When i add the domain connection manually, it works. Somehow bind is ignoring my pri files. When i test their config with the "named" command it results in "OK". So guess the zones are valid, bind just not looking for them. Code: zone "website.com" { type master; file "/etc/bind/pri.website.com"; };
Then the Ubuntu update must have wiped out that file, so not really an ISPConfig issue as ISPConfig does not touch it during update. Change a zone in ISPConfig, e.g. ttl, and press save and see if that's enough to repopulate the file with all zones. if not, you must use Tools > resync.
Exactly what i thought, tried to edit and save but didn't help return the others, only the one i saved. Going to try the resync.
Resync solved the issue. 20.04 (bind version) no longer uses "pri.domain.com" zone files? So strange.
That's not Bind but ISPConfig. You can name your zone file anything you want in Bind should you manage it manually. Just as long as you set the correct file name in named.conf.local. And nothing changed in ISPConfig regarding zone file names. That's why resync in ISPConfig fixed it.
No, that's not the reason. The zone files have not changed. But it seems the Ubuntu dist upgrade wiped out the named.conf.local file and when this file is empty, BIND will not load the zone files.
That i do understand but ISPconfig recreated all the zones without "pri." and populated the named.conf.local file with the non "pri." files. Now my directory has all zones double; "pri." an non "pri."versions.
That's real strange behavior. I've used several Ubuntu versions and ISPConfig from 16.04 to 22.04 and always had pri.domain.tld files for my master zones.
Then there must be a setting wrong in ISPConfig under system > server config > DNS on your server. you likely emptied the prefix field. here the default settings for Ubuntu and Debian.
That's it, fields were empty. Didn't make any changes at all to these servers. These two fields are empty on all my servers. Idk.
This has happened to me twice in the last year. named.conf.local was wiped out and all my queries were denied. Rsync rebuilt it. Never found out why it happened, was chugging along and in the middle of the day my monitoring program said my DNS monitor was no longer working.
Mine was also working after the upgrade but suddenly stopped working a day later but because of the way DNS data works doesn't mean it wasn't wiped during the upgrade so I'll never know.