Disable SMTP sending

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pkaresz11, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    Hi there,
    i'd like to disable SMTP sending for a client.But only the client can disable for yourself(for his mailboxes,iit makes no sense).
    I 'd like to create a template without smtp sending(the client must use the smtp server of his ISP)
    Can I do this?
  2. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    Can you help me?
  3. fbarcenas

    fbarcenas Member

    I don't understand, You want only the client to be able to disable it on his control panel?
  4. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    I tell you.
    The customer(client) wants a webhosting.It can be choosed from 3 plans.In the1st plan he gets eg. only 100MB website quota,etc and cannot use my mailserver to sending emails.Only receive.
    I think the admin panel is for clients/customers and they can configure the emails etc for yourself.But I must limit the options.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If the client has web hosting only then just set the number of email domains to 0 in the client settings or disable the whole mail module for the client under system > cp users.
  6. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    Sure.But i want to enable only receiving email not sending.Is it possible?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This can only be configured in the mailbox settings and not globally for a client. If you don't allow all your clients to send, then close port 587 and 25 in the firewall.
  8. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    yes,i see.
    should i look when the client creates a mailbox?i tried to disable smtp sending for a mailbox.
    as client can i enable again.:)
    it makes no sense.i think.
    it would be good when i can disable as admin smtp sending for a domain has created the client yourself.
    How do you think?
    Thank for your reply
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The function makes sense off course as it has been build in to allow the client to disable and enable SMTP for each of his mailboxes on his own. What makes no sense is that you want to force your clients to use an external mail server to send emails while you provide their email service. So the client can't either use his email address for sending as most access providers deny that or the emails of your clients will end up in the spam folders at the recipients when servers of the access ISP are not in the SPF records for this domain and when you have not added the dkim signing keys of all the access providers in your DNS server. If you don't provide email services for a client then disable the mail module or set the number of email domains to 0 or you should provide a correct email service where the client is able to to get dkim signed emails trough the MX server of that domain (which is yours when you provide email services).
  10. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    Yes.understand.Many hosting provider works so(smtp sending is in another hosting plan).and you're right by spf,dkim record.But this solution would be a cheap hosting plan(no good idea?). For complete emailservice etc. can the customer purchase a more expensiver hosting plan.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'am not aware of any provider here in Germany that disallows sending especially as all access providers force users here to use their @accessprovider.tld address when they send, but this might be different in other countries. Feel free to make a feature request in our bugtracker if you like to see such a client wide limit. Until then, ISPConfig is a multiserver panel, if you want to allow cheap plans without sending then you can e.g. build a smtp node (can be a vserver) where you put all customers with that cheap plan and close port 25 and 587 on that node and use a different email node for customers that are allowed to send.
  12. pkaresz11

    pkaresz11 Member

    Thanks Till!;)

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