DKIM => fail (bad RSA signature)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Florent579, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. Florent579

    Florent579 New Member

    Hi everyone,
    I'm stuck with DKIM validation since hours, and I hope someone will have some suggestions, because.. It turn me crazy.
    I have an issue on a fresh ISPConfig setup, after following this tutorial :
    Debian 9 (Nginx, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3.1)

    When an e.mail is sent from my server from a domain with DKIM activated, the mail seems signed, but not correctly (bad RSA signature).
    The DNS for the domain have the DKIM entry :
    Text: v=DKIM1; t=s; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAooNqKyuohAscoqq9LBXex21ewTrLV1qLYrXupGxgDf4YGTfZjKGzgVp0NRQijvH1Q95v1thoYrua2kn4UJH+K54pHXQ1MQSMNNBi1M2vi4r5inxw28mw8owi39qs+ZqMDv73gpjU7gPOJt/QCpfKSg+JqQ+llkV1HM1MOiutnp5KOe8I+BrE0x1K1x9+fwGiIuP2wzVfC+kwk2UphwtNECbFBwof/noiNEtYCUCKslnwawyh2yklzwkyLMOkS5PVW07kHL8p3wk6FrDazM6K1Kngy601UzuuplfFM7dbZV8GyYOq2zu3rMQO1cqzTBRUS2KxneJCOglQZk6i1njxoQIDAQAB
    I checked the dkim files for the domain, here : /var/lib/amavis/dkim/
    It contain the same values (private/public key) that i can see on Ispconfig domain mails options.

    When i perform an "amavisd-new testkeys" on the server, i still got this answer :
    TESTING#1 => fail (bad RSA signature)

    I believe there is something wrong with amavisd !? But after searching, i can't find the solution.
    My postfix/ :

    Thanks for reading.
    If you have any suggestion, feel free <3


  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    There's a bug in 3.1.12, try updating to git-stable.
    patopattone, babydunk and Florent579 like this.
  3. Florent579

    Florent579 New Member

    OMG, <3 jesse.

    patopattone likes this.

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