Dkim not valid in Google

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Juju1008, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. Juju1008

    Juju1008 New Member

    I have configured the DKIM on my domain correctly, the domain is managed via an external DNS server and the DKIM has been added to the domain.

    When I send emails to Google and Hotmail, it tells me DKIM = Failed

    in the email headers:
    dkim=temperror (no key for signature) header.i=@

    Do you have any ideas, I have the impression that if the DNS zone is not managed by IspConfig the dkim is not supported.
    ISPConfig Version: 3.2
    Debian 12

    Do you have any ideas ?
    Thanks in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your impression is completely wrong; of course, you can easily use an external DNS system for this. The only difference to ISPConfig's internal system is that you must add the DKIM TXT record yourself after creating the DKIM key in ISPConfig, as ISPConfig is not connected to that external DNS system to do it automatically.

    See this tutorial on how to enable DKIM for a email domain. The guide explains this for systems with external DNS servers:
    pyte likes this.

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