Hi, I'm trying to add a new domain to my dedicated box using ispconfig. I'm using that box as the primary nameserver, and I would like to use a secondary nameserver at some free dns hoster. Now, the problem is, that I need a "allow-transfer" part in my /etc/bind/named.conf , but it seems there is no option @ ispconfig like that... I tried commenting out the original zone in named.conf (generated by ispconfig) and add a new zone in the "//// MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE! ////" zone, having allow-transfer as an option for that domain. It works fine untill I edit or make a new entry for that domain using ispconfig, since ispconfig is generating a new zone for that domein, and is reloading Bind, wich wont startup due to duplicate zone in named.conf. Here are my configs: //ORIGINAL CREATED BY ISPCONFIG named.conf zone "example.com" { type master; file "pri.example.com"; }; // I deleted the above and made a new entry manually: //// MAKE MANUAL ENTRIES BELOW THIS LINE! //// zone "example.com" { type master; file "pri.example.com"; allow-transfer {; }; }; That works fine, untill I make a change to the domain using ISPCONFIG. Anyone had the same prob and found a solution? Thanks in advance, Genghis
You have to edit the master template for the named.conf in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/named.conf.master instead of the named.conf file itself. But i dont think it is nescessary, Iam using ISPCOnfig in a setup with primary and secondary NS incl. zonetransfers and dont have to change anything in the default setup.
Do you care to share how you did it without having to change anything in the default setup? Thanks, Genghis
The zone transfers should work out of the box. Have you tried to set up a secondary DNS record at your DNS hoster?
so you mean just setting it up using ISPCONFIG without specifying the allow transfer or anything related? [edit] Ok, I'm gonna shoot myself, trying to find a solution for something that works out of the box LOL Maybe adding 1 line to the documentation would be handy: "Note: There is no need to mess with allow-transfer, setting a secundary nameserver will do that by default" Thanks for the fast replies guy's Genghis [/edit]