DNS setup for extension office

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by sudarshan, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. sudarshan

    sudarshan New Member

    I am trying to set up local DNS server for new branch office location which is an extension of main office. Here is my config.

    ___________ _____________
    | | | |
    |main office | |branch office |
    | |----VPN------||
    |officex.com | |officex.com |
    |__________| |____________|

    In the above configuration the domain name at both places is officex.com. There is already a DNS server at main office. Now I want to have a DNS server at branch office which can resolve names in both intranets.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. sudarshan

    sudarshan New Member

    sorry for scrambled diagram

    I am trying to set up local DNS server for new branch office location which is an extension of main office. Here is my config.

    ___________ _____________
    | | | |
    |main office | |branch office |
    | |----VPN------||
    |officex.com | |officex.com |
    |__________| |____________|

    In the above configuration the domain name at both places is officex.com. There is already a DNS server at main office. Now I want to have a DNS server at branch office which can resolve names in both intranets.

    Thanks in advance.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Why don't you use the DNS server in your main office?
  4. sudarshan

    sudarshan New Member

    Ya I could have used DNS server in main office but it cannot resolve my branch office machines. I do not have administrative capability over tha main office server.

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Then you can set up a DNS server in your branch office and make your client PC s use it.
  6. sudarshan

    sudarshan New Member

    This is exactly what I am trying to do. I want to set up a DNS server in branch office. As mentioned the sub-net in branch office different but domain is same. So how do I set up the DNS server at branch office which can resolve

    1. local machines
    2. the main office local machines
    3. internet.
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Just set up a normal DNS server (BIND, MyDNS, ...) and create the records for your main and branch office. If it is a resolving nameserver like BIND, it will resolve all domains that it can't find in its database, e.g. internet domains; if you use a non-resolving nameserver like MyDNS, you should also install dnscache to do the resolving (this is described here: http://www.howtoforge.com/mydns_name_server).

    Afterwards, you should enter the IP address of the DNS server as the only nameserver in your client PCs DNS settings.
  8. 22hosting

    22hosting New Member

    Look into creating Master and Slave DNS machines. You can make each a master and slave for particular names/ip ranges. They can then propogate to the "other" machine (master/slave) and in theory you should be able to see both sets of ranges from both locations, I think ;)



    I'm only working in theory here so i might be completely wrong.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011

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