DNS Zones, needed?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Quaxth, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    I just added that Record!

    About the MX Record, right now it's pointing to server1.thaifw.us, what is if I add an MX Record pointing to thaifw.us? Would that work?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I answered this question already twice and @sjau answered it as well. I'll copy you the text again from above:

    " it does not matter for email service which domain, subdomain or IP you use in your email client to connect to the server, the only thing that matters is that the domain r Ip points to your server."

    and regarding ports, you do not have to set anything in your mail client as the standard ports are fine.

    If the one above is the list at your ISP, then you did not add the record for server1 yet.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The record is fine, why do you want to change it again?
  4. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    because I wouldn't like to use @server1.thaifw.us as address, just @thaifw.us
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The MX record as you set it up at the moment is for @thaifw.us email addresses. You mix up host and value here. Host is @ which means this record is for email addresses of the zone thaifw.us and value is the target server hostname which is server1.thaifw.us

    The error that you get at MXToolbox happens because you still did not add an A-Record for server1. So add that and wait until the dns changes took place.
  6. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Last: A Record works now!
    I also need to create DEMARC and SPF Records!
    The problem is the SMTP Server, can not connect to SMTP-Server and that need to be possible.

    Anyway, for today I stop now because it's already near 23:00h.

    Thanks for the help and have a good night.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    These are optional, you don't need to create them. First, get your mail system up and running and then you can still add them if you want.

    Which port did you use`Try port 25 and f this does not work, try port 587.
  8. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    That's the result if I send an e-mail to my server:
    Any mail sends to my server will be rejected!
    The addresses to send to use are correct! The e-mail addresses are added and saved on my Server. All settings for e-mail seems to be OK within ISPC (for me!)!
    So, what the hell is wrong?
    Thanks for any advice.
  9. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    I was also trying to send a mail to my Google account: Didn't work either, I don't receive anything, even in Roundcube it say's that the mail was sent successfully!
    Another annoying thing in Roundcube, in the same moment I click on Mail button IDM starts a download process:
    How to avoid that?
  10. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    As long as the Mail Server didn't work, and he didn't (pls. see my last 2 posts), I think I don't need even to try to use a Mail Client.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You are connected to your mail server with a normal SMTP and IMAP client already, this client is named Roundcube. So you are using a mail client already and testing your mail server without a mail client (which you are doing already) is not really useful anyway.

    So, to know if your mail server is working, login to an email client that is connected to your server (like Roundcube), create a new email and send it to the exact same email address that you used for logging into the mail client. After you had sent the email, wait a minute and then check your inbox if the mail arrived in the mailbox on your server. If that#s the case, then your mail server is working properly.

    When the first test is ok, then the next step is to check why you can't send external mails to the server, this can be due to a firewall (e.g. at the ISP that's hosts the internet connection of the server) which blocks the mail port (this happens frequently when you e.g. host the server at home or in office and not in a datacenter) or due to wrong DNS MX records or due to a missing A-Record for the MX record.
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And you should take a look at the mail.log file of the system (/var/log/mail.log) as you can find all email related errors of the system there.
  13. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Thanks Till.
    First, at all, The email send using Roundcube of my server to the Google Mail account, never reached that account! A mail sends from that Google Mail account could not reach the Mail account on my server.

    But OK, I'll send an e-mail from the admin mail account to a info mail account (with cc to the admin account too) on my server and let see, that will arrive!

    So, OK done that and those mail 'arriving'!!
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I had understabd that. But this test is not useful too find out if the mail server has a problem or if it's a dns or network problem.

    Fine, so yur ail server is working fine. Please run this command and post the output:

    netstat -tap | grep smtp

    then login to Roundcube and send a message to your Gmail account and right after you have done that, run this command and post the output:

    tail -n 200 /var/log/mail.log
  15. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    The A Record and the MX Record seems to be ok according to MX Toolbox! There 4 errors, 3not relevant as you told already, but the SMTP Server could not be connected, and therefore I could not send mail to the Server and from the server to 3.party!

    How I could change the SMTP Port 25 to a different port, because that prot will be closed by my ISP?
  16. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    OK, here the outcome from the first command:
    root@server1:/home/reimar# netstat -tap | grep smtp
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1307/master
    tcp6       0      0 [::]:smtp               [::]:*                  LISTEN      1307/master
  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can't, as any external server will try to connect your mailserver on that port. If your ISP has port 25 incoming closed, then you can not receive email on your own mail server with that internet connection.

    Btw. When you know that your ISP has port 25 closed, why did you not say that in the first mail related post as we this whole thread is useless without being able to reach your server on port 25.
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's ok. But does not matter anyway due to closed port 25 by your ISP.
  19. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    And here's the outcome from the 2. command, after I'd sent a mail to my Gmail Account:
    Ti big to have to attach as file!

    Attached Files:

  20. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    Sorry for that, I just checked it with a call to my ISP, didn't know before!!

    So, how do I change the SMTP Port?

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