Hi people, Just weird my domain ends up in subdomain website. I guess because the subdomain shows up first in vhost list. Basically I have separate websites, 1 for my domain and 1 for my subdomain. DNS is set correctly for both www and subdomain domain. points to www points to subdomain points to In websites I created the 2 separate websites The domain.com website (this one should respond to domain.com and to www.domain.com) The subdomain.domain.com (this one should only respond to subdomain.domain.com) All settings besides root folders are identical... I have tested with Auto-Subdomain www. / *. / None being none in subdoamin. Can't figure this out, help would be appreciated.
It more or less works if I change the website for my main domain.com to www.domain.com, but the requests for domain.com end up in my subdomain.domain.com because the vhost appears first. Probably missing something easy.
What is IP Address field in those websites ISPConfig settings? If websites have LE certificates, are all certificates working?
Have those websites something in the Redirect tab? Have you created alias domains or subdomains? What do apache logs show when you access those websites?
Redirect tabs are the same with no redirects. I haven't created any Alias or subdomains... might be the issue.
from the manual Method 1 The first is from the ‘Sites’ menu tab select ‘Subdomain for website’ and the click ‘Add new subdomain’. This method will create a subdomain for the parent wesbite but redirecting you to a different URL. billing.mydomain.com > abillingsite.com maybe I just need to create www in subdomains and point it to domain.com?
Nope, that does not work I don't think I should be using alias or subdomain. These are 2 different websites the domain.com website should also respond www.domain.com the subdomain should only respond to subdomain.domain.com
How have you created these two websites? Are they the only websites in your ISPConfig setup? The domain.com should have auto subdomain www. turned on. Is this so? I don't know how to make subdomain.domain.com not work with domain.com. It should just work. That is why I asked if subdomais or aliasdomains are present to confuse the issue. You have not mentioned what web server you are using, neither what operating system. Are the certificates WORKING?
No I have one more website that is a subdomain but the domain isn't hosted here. Yes, www. is on. Yes, certificates work. I'm using (Debian Stretch) ISPConfig 3.1.13p1 I'm going to test disabling the subdomain website. Then I will only have the domain.com that should also respond to www. If that works I will turn the subdomain website again. Will post back.
I think it's fixed... It's the SSL. When you make changes to the website, you need to afterwards open the SSL tab and press Save certificate again even if it's a wildcard like mine. You can replicate this by: 1. Create website 2. Save your wildcard cert 3. Back to website Change the website domain and save website Stops working, it does not auto refresh the SSL settings.