Hello, *** My Material *** Machine : new remote VPS setup yesterday OS : Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (updated and upgraded yesterday) *** ISP Config 3.1 **** Successfuly installed yesterday : https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ubuntu-ispconfig-automated-install-script/ (none other app or script installed) CHECK BOX BUG ! I used to create websites from other ISP Config panel installed on other machine with same config as above… ! Therefore I do not understand why this time, check-box for “Let’s encrypt“ can’t remain checked (as per my choice…), after that website domain settings have been saved. Has anyone already faced such this bug, or may tell me if activating “Let’s encrypt“ is now done another way ? Regards
It is not a bug. This is regular item on this forum, LE box goes back to unticked because LE can not issue the certificate. Why this happens varies, but you can find out using LE error FAQ: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/lets-encrypt-error-faq.74179/
All is fine now ! It could be that “Let’s encrypt“ was prevented to issue (could not keep being checked) in website domain settings, because I freshly activated DNSSEC for the corresponding domain name, and the activation was not already fully propagated....