Duplicate complete website structure with ISPConfig3

Discussion in 'General' started by mam, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. mam

    mam New Member

    I'm running a vserver with ISPConfig3. I've written a CMS and a modifiable standard website. Now I would like to make ISPConfig to copy my complete website-file-structure when creating a new site, instead of creating only an index.html. I found https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/change-default-web-template.213/ and read about the fact, these instructions would be only valid for ISPConfig2. In another (php-related) Forum I was told, same steps would apply to ISPConfig3, though. Is this true, can I go ahead with these instructions?

    Otherwise, how can I do so?
    Best regards
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    These instructiontions are for ISPConfig 2 only, they do not apply to ispconfig 3. ISPConfig 2 and and 3 are completely different software packages, so nothing that you read about ispconfig 2 applies to ispconfig 3.

    In ISPConfig 3 you create a small server side plugin, bind it to the "web_domain_insert" event and add the copy command for the content that you want to copy in that plugin.

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