Dear users, I'm facing a very wierd issue. I created a mail fowarding to a account. From [email protected] configured in ISPconfig to a [email protected]. The mail sent to [email protected] is correctly fowarder to [email protected], but only if it's sent from squirrelmail. If I go to another gmail account and I send the mail to [email protected], the email never arrive. Why so? Do you have any idea? Thank you very much Best
Hello everybody, I'm still facing the issue. The email forwarding doens't work.. or better... works but only when they've been sent from squirrelmail of our VPS with ISPconfig. I made a lot of research and I think I need to set the PTR record with the reserse DNS. As far as I read it's important in order to accept mails and reject spam. Do you think this is the reason why it doesn't works? I found a nice explanation here: Your help is very appreciated! Thanks! Best