email sending email but not receiving.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by zustudios, Feb 1, 2016.

  1. zustudios

    zustudios Member

    My email is sending emails but not receiving emails. My ispconfig 3 is on a lxc container through proxmox 4. Any idea what could be the problem?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which errors do you get in the mail.log?
    Can you reach port 25 from outside?
    Is the MX record of the domain name set to the hostname of this virtual machine?
  3. zustudios

    zustudios Member

    What's the directory for the mail.log so I can post it? I can't reach port 25.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The mail log is in the folder /var/log/
  5. zustudios

    zustudios Member

    I think it's blocked by my ips.
  6. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I'd rather understand why certain providers block outgoing port 25 - but incoming?
    Open two shells to your server, one doing
    $tail -f /var/log/ or $tail -f /var/log/maillog - depending on your operating system
    And on the other side restart postfix, also amavisd and dovecot services
    Are there any errors? Do you see something going on when trying to send mail to your server?
  7. zustudios

    zustudios Member

    I think it was block by my isp. I've moved my server to a datacenter.
  8. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    Fresh install. ISPConfig in Debian. Emails not sending or receiving. Could someone suggest me where to start my troubleshooting? Please

  9. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    looks like outgoing port 25 is probably blocked, and also you do not have ipv6 connectivity.
  10. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    "looks like outgoing port 25" To fix this it will be on the router?

    Thanks a lot for your replay
  11. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Typically that would be blocked by your ISP/vps provider, not a router that you own; to fix it, contact your provider and ask them to unblock it.
  12. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    Excellent! You are right with the port 25 being black. I used Nmap and it not show port 25.
    Thanks a lot Jesse
  13. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    My ISP told me to use port 587 instead of 25. How can I change this now?
  14. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    You cannot run a mail server without port 25 being open both inbound and outbound; port 587 is used for your clients to authenticate to your server and send mail. So make sure your ISP knows you're running a mail server, and if they won't open port 25 for you, you'll have to "do something else". Eg. move your server somewhere where running a mail server is allowed, or setup some other mail server/service elsewhere on the internet to relay your mail in/out of your server.
    pinguinito likes this.
  15. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    This is the information my ISP provided me. Is this an option on ISPConfig environment?

  16. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    I understand. Thank you so much
  17. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    The response was:

    The recipient server did not accept our requests to connect. Learn more at [ xx.xx.18.233: timed out]

    how can fix this? its pointing to the right IP. How can I create a subdomain ? or a virtual server ?
    for ?

    my server name is
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Seems as if your provider blocks port 25 incoming then, this means you can not run a mail server with that provider (no matter with or without ISPConfig>). If you want to run your own mail server, then get a virtual server in a datacenter e.g. at Linode, Hetzner or digitalocean.

    The domain / subdomain does not matter, so that's not the reason for your problem. Your provider blocks port 25 incoming which means that you can not run a mail server which is able to receive emails with that provider.
  19. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    Thank you so much

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