Email Translations

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Stelios, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. Stelios

    Stelios Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi all,
    Under interface/server/conf/mail/ there are translations only for the English language.
    I've added already my lang code and translated most of them via the GUI.
    It doesn't seem to be from the GUI an option to translate those so am I assuming correct that if I create a copy of the *_en.txt files with my lang code will pick them up automatically when the email will be sent out and the client is already set to use as default my lang code/language?

  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can copy these files to the conf-custom/mail folder and customize them. The language used is the language that you have set for the panel, not for the client (the language you see on the login screen).
  3. Stelios

    Stelios Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thom, I'm not following you.
    This is what is under my server/conf/mail/
    root@controlpanel:/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/mail# ls
    db_quota_notification_de.txt     mail_quota_notification_es.txt     web_quota_notification_es.txt     web_traffic_notification_es.txt
    db_quota_notification_en.txt     mail_quota_notification_fr.txt     web_quota_notification_fr.txt     web_traffic_notification_fr.txt
    db_quota_notification_es.txt     mail_quota_notification_gr.txt     web_quota_notification_gr.txt     web_traffic_notification_nl.txt
    db_quota_notification_fr.txt     mail_quota_notification_nl.txt     web_quota_notification_nl.txt     web_traffic_notification_warn_en.txt
    db_quota_notification_nl.txt     mail_quota_ok_notification_de.txt  web_quota_ok_notification_de.txt  web_traffic_notification_warn_nl.txt
    db_quota_ok_notification_de.txt  mail_quota_ok_notification_en.txt  web_quota_ok_notification_en.txt  welcome_email_de.txt
    db_quota_ok_notification_en.txt  mail_quota_ok_notification_es.txt  web_quota_ok_notification_es.txt  welcome_email_en.txt
    db_quota_ok_notification_es.txt  mail_quota_ok_notification_fr.txt  web_quota_ok_notification_fr.txt  welcome_email_es.txt
    db_quota_ok_notification_fr.txt  mail_quota_ok_notification_gr.txt  web_quota_ok_notification_gr.txt  welcome_email_fr.txt
    db_quota_ok_notification_nl.txt  mail_quota_ok_notification_nl.txt  web_quota_ok_notification_nl.txt  welcome_email_hr.txt
    mail_quota_notification_de.txt     web_quota_notification_de.txt        web_traffic_notification_de.txt   welcome_email_nl.txt
    mail_quota_notification_en.txt     web_quota_notification_en.txt        web_traffic_notification_en.txt
    All the *_gr.txt files have been added by me.

    Are you saying that I have to move them to the conf-custom/mail folder in order to pick up the Greek language?
  4. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Custom files should be in the conf-custom folder to prevent them from being overwritten.

    The templates used are those with the language you set for ISPConfig, not the language you set for a single customer. This is set in interface/lib/ and server/lib/
  5. Stelios

    Stelios Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    So there is no way to have a multilingual option for the emails based on what client has enabled in his profile?
    From what I understand is that if I change from en to gr the interface/lib/ and server/lib/ (assuming I got the *_gr.txt files in custom-conf) then all customers will get the emails in Greek language. Am I correct?
  6. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, there currently is not. It has been requested and it would be a good idea to implement this:

    Yes, that should work.

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