emails are going into oblivion.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Lil'Brudder, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. Lil'Brudder

    Lil'Brudder New Member

    I feel like an idiot posting this, because, after all the posts about mail problems I've read, I can't seem to find the answer to this problem in any of those.

    I'm running Fedora Core 4 and Postfix. I've set up 3 domains with 2 users each (1 admin user and 1 'normal' user). Everything seems to be setup right, and working... the DNS is resolving correctly, all the web pages are displayed correctly, I even installed UebiMiau for a web interface, and I can log into that with all the users.

    The problem is that I send mail to, say hotmail/gmail email addresses, and I send email from hotmail/gmail addresses to users on the server, and the emails just seem to disappear. After I click send, I get a message that says, "Email has been sent" but I never see any email again.

    I have gotten 1 email back from hotmail saying:
    (I guess I'm expecting a lot more of those as they time out and send that message again and again until if fails or something)

    So, it wasn't failed... it just hasn't been delivered. Weird.
    I tried to find some log files of any kind of activity, but I have no idea where log files would be to look for them.

    Sorry I'm inept. Can anyone help me?

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The log files are in /var/log.

    There are several possibilities why the mails disappear. E.g., do the MX records of the recipient domains point to your ISPConfig system?
    If you have your ISPConfig server in a local network, is it possible that your ISP blocks port 25?
    If you are in a local network, make sure you forward port 25 to your ISPConfig box.

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