ERROR: Couldn't reach is pco nfig , please check your internet connection

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by EyeofChaos, Jul 18, 2018.

  1. EyeofChaos

    EyeofChaos New Member

    ERROR: Couldn't reach is pco nfig , please check your internet connection
    I'm totally new to ispc onfig and I don't do much linux (learning)
    • Using Google Cloud
    • Ubuntu 16.4 fresh install (done)
    • Attempting automatic install
    • apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade
    • apt-get install -y unzip
    • cd /tmp
    • wget --no-check-certificate -O z ": //gith ub.c /servisys/ispco nfig_setup/tar ball/master"
    • tar zxvf insta ller.tgz
    • cd *ispc onfig*
    • bash
    Was able to change the directory
    Got to the point where it asked me "Is this correct?" and I typed yes and got the message above. My personal internet connection works fine. But I'm suspecting that it is the google cloud connection from the server that it can't reach.

    What do I do to get this to work?

    Here the bottom part of the script that I got:
    Welcome to ISP Config Setup Script v.3.0.2This software is developed by Temporini Matteowith the support of the community.You can visit my website at the followings URLs //w. s .te mporini.netand contact me with the following information contact email/hangout: tempo rini.m atteo @gmail. c om skype: matteo .temporini============ISPConfig 3 System installer==============This script will do a nearly unattended installation of all software needed to ru n ISPConfig 3.When this script starts running, it'll keep going all the way So before you continue, please make sure the following checklist is ok:- This is a clean standard clean installation for supported systems- Internet connection is working properly The detected Linux Distribution is: Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTSIs this correct? (y/n)y
    Checking internet connection... root ubun tu-3000:/tmp/i s pconfig_setup-master# ERROR: Couldn't reach .ispcon fig . please check your internet connection
  2. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    yeah google cloud sucks if you're new to it. I don't know what you can or can't do or what you need to wait for or request or internal ip to use... but I know the search engine should reveal an answer, pretty sure.
  3. EyeofChaos

    EyeofChaos New Member

    I've been googling things for weeks now. Nothing. Thanks for the response.
  4. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    well google... as if google would know everything :D
    I was referring to the internal search on this

    and there are more mentioning google cloud.
    I know it is there, somewhere - well just only because I don't have the time to check them, maybe someone else just knows it - good luck :)
  5. EyeofChaos

    EyeofChaos New Member

    Thanks a lot. I have been to many, many pages on that site. I'll check those out. I also posted on the google cloud forum.
  6. Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  7. EyeofChaos

    EyeofChaos New Member

    I think your link gave me the idea to create a static ip address.
    I will also make it ipv4
    I ran a traceroute and it worked fine.
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