I setup a new server the same way I setup my old server. But I have a problem creating a user Shell User using ISPConfig. When I create a new shell user, the passwd file looks like this: Code: rolanwgr:x:5015:5008::/var/www/clients/client4/web12/home/rolanwgr:/bin/bash While on my old server, this looks like: Code: rolanwgr:x:5020:5006::/var/www/clients/client2/web17:/bin/bash Notice that on the new server, there is a /home/rolanwgr appended while on the old server there's none. So, when I issue a command like "su - rolanwgr", the directory will not point to "/var/www/clients/client4/web12/", instead it points to a wrong folder which is "/var/www/clients/client4/web12/home/rolanwgr". I also noticed that there is a "home" folder created under web12 folder, while there's no "home" folder in my old server. Anyone know what I'm missing?
Yes, the path has been changed since ISPConfig so that non jailed users have a home directory now like the jailed users. The right folder is /var/www/clients/client4/web12/home/rolanwgr, so su points you to the correct folder.