Error when creating new site, folders not created

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Bluesummer76, May 12, 2016.

  1. Bluesummer76

    Bluesummer76 New Member

    Hi everyone,
    recently I've encountered a big problem.
    When I add a new website or a new client, no folder are created.
    I've 2 website already running without problems, but at this moment I can't add anymore.
    My configuration:
    Debian Jessie
    Any ideas?
    EDIT: after activated debug mode, I notice that the Job Queue is not processed.
    I've killed the process, removed the .ispconfig_lock file and start
    This is the log:

    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Set Lock: /usr/local/ispconfig/server/temp/.ispconfig_lock
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Found 36 changes, starting update process.
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Calling function 'ssl' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_insert'.
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Calling function 'insert' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_insert'.
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - exec: chown -R web3:client0 /var/www/clients/client0/web3/web
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - exec: chown web3:client0 /var/www/clients/client0/web3/web
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - exec: usermod --groups sshusers web3 2>/dev/null
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Creating fastcgi starter script: /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web3/.php-fcgi-starter
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Writing the vhost file: /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Removing symlink: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/>/etc/apache2/sites-available/
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Creating symlink: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/>/etc/apache2/sites-available/
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Apache status is: running
    12.05.2016-16:47 - DEBUG - Calling function 'restartHttpd' from module 'web_module'.
    Then, the process not proceed :(
    Last edited: May 12, 2016

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