Export DNS Records in ISPConfig 3

Discussion in 'General' started by Edouard HINVI, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. Edouard HINVI

    Edouard HINVI New Member

    Hi everyone,
    In order to upgrade my server as well for the OS as for the ISPConfig version it is actually running, I'd like to know if there is a way to export DNS records in ISPConfig. In fact, I successfully backed up the www directory from the server I am going to leave. But for the DNS records I made on the old server, I don't know how to do. Same for the emails.:(
    For info, I installed ISPConfig on my server using tutorial on howtoforge site for the perfect server (Apache2, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)
    So, please if anyone could help me do it, I will really appreciate.

    Best regards,

  2. Hello Edouard,

    You can export your DNS records from your BIND directory if you are using that. If you SSH into your server you need to go to /etc/bind , there you will find your domain records.

    You probably also need to export your MySql tables from your dbispconfig database, login to mysql (threw ssh or phpmyadmin) and search for the tables with the dns_ prefix. Hope this will work
    Edouard HINVI likes this.

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