New install, stumbled upon this, Code: ~# cat /var/log/ispconfig_install.log | grep WAR Sun Mar 19 06:27:33 UTC 2023 - [ISPConfig] - /tmp/ispconfig3_install/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php, Line 2022: WARNING: Failed to execute the command usermod -a -G amavis _rspamd ~# usermod -a -G amavis _rspamd usermod: group 'amavis' does not exist Installed with, Code: wget -O - | sh -s -- --no-dns --use-unbound --no-roundcube --no-pma --no-mailman --no-quota --unattended-upgrades=autoclean,reboot --no-ntp --use-ftp-ports=redacted --monit --monit-alert-email=redacted --ssh-port=redacted --ssh-password-authentication=no --ssh-harden --use-php=8.1 Some more info. Tested this on two different Servers. Only on the latest install from today i also got a warning in setup log, baffling. Code: 19.03.2023-08:41:16 - /lib/os/ [WARN] clamav-daemon seems not to be running! and the Daemon does not restart, Code: ~# systemctl status clamav-daemon.service ○ clamav-daemon.service - Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/clamav-daemon.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/clamav-daemon.service.d └─extend.conf Active: inactive (dead) Condition: start condition failed at Sun 2023-03-19 10:25:00 UTC; 2s ago └─ ConditionPathExistsGlob=/var/lib/clamav/daily.{c[vl]d,inc} was not met Docs: man:clamd(8) man:clamd.conf(5) Mar 19 08:45:24 mail systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon being skipped. Mar 19 10:25:00 mail systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon being skipped.
The first warning is probably because Amavis is not installed. Recent ISPConfig installs use RSpamd instead of Amavis. It is warning, not error, so probably just ignore it. The second warning about clamd not running: Try starting it with Code: systemctl start clamav-daemon.service and see what it shows on terminal. Then examine logs if there is more info.
Ahh, ok thanks! No response on terminal, and in syslog, Code: Mar 19 10:56:56 mail systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon being skipped. Nothing changed, status still the same as posted above.
Just to make sure again, went through every file in /var/log/ incl. subfolders and only syslog & journalctl -f show anything when starting/restarting, am i missing any log locations? Thanks for the reply much appreciated. PS Think i realized my mistake now, FreshClam has been on cool down due to reinstall, thank for the help.