File/Web Server Combo!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Linocks, Oct 12, 2009.

  1. Linocks

    Linocks New Member

    I would like to install a File Server for use at home. I would like users (my kids) to be able to access their home directory. I would like to store all media on this server for all users to access. I would also like to implement an automated backup process that will only write new or modified files. Users will be logging in from a Windows, Mac &/or a Linux (Ubuntu) machine.

    I would also like to run a web server on the same (server) machine. :D

    Does anyone know if a 'HowTo' exists that will provide all of those facilities?
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. Linocks

    Linocks New Member

    Re : File/Web Server Combo!

    I am considering the Ubuntu 9.04 Samba Server Integrated With Active Directory version.

    Do you think this Media Server will work on it?

    You also haven't told me whether or not you think a web server would also run on it or suggested a 'HowTo' for that?

    None of those 'HowTos' appear to deal with the issue of 'Back-Up' : ...........

    Am I trying to put too much on one box? :eek:
  4. awe

    awe New Member

    No, you are not trying to put too much on one box at all. In fact, you can put this and much more.

    In order to have a working web server on Ubuntu Server the simplest way is to choose "LAMP Server" during setup. If you have Ubuntu already installed but you don't have a web server, just type "sudo tasksel" and choose "LAMP Server" plus any other of your choice.

    The Samba file server option will install that too, but (at least in Ubuntu 8.04) it does not install anything but SAMBA, and it's up to you to get Active Directory, LDAP, or whatever you want, to work with SAMBA file server.

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