Fixing Roundcube 1.3.6 on Ubuntu 18.04 Server

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by ahrasis, May 22, 2018.

  1. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    There isn't any tutorial yet but I already proceeded with installing one Ubuntu 18.04 server with ISPConfig based on Ubuntu 16.04 Nginx Perfect Server Tutorial with some minor adjustments. Ubuntu 18.04 comes with RoundCube 1.3.6 which is the latest version as of now then the usual reported problems appeared.

    Basically, RoundCube will be complaining that it cannot find and cannot open temp and log folders. From several threads I've read in here, I figured that there is only one folder need to be created, another one to be created via a symlink, while few folders need its owner and/or group and/or access permission to be changed.

    In doing that, I tested some simple scripts that may be run right after RoundCube installation so that I may be able to access Roundcube page immediately thereafter.
    mkdir /usr/share/roundcube/temp
    chgrp ispapps /etc/roundcube/*.php /usr/share/roundcube/temp
    chown ispapps /usr/share/roundcube/temp /var/log/roundcube
    chmod 644 /etc/roundcube/*.php
    chmod -R 750 /var/log/roundcube /usr/share/roundcube/temp
    ln -sf /etc/roundcube /usr/share/roundcube/config
    sed -i "s/$config\['default_host'\] = '';/$config\['default_host'\] = 'localhost';/" /etc/roundcube/
    That's about it. Have fun. :D
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