Hi all, what would be the best way to forward hundreds mailadressess like [email protected] to different mail targets on external systems like postbox_1...500@externaldomain_a-z.tld by using Maildir and without creating hundreds of user-accounts for all the incoming addresses on my system? (the target addresses are all on different target systems!) (see showthread.php?t=1867) I checked different possibilities like /etc/aliases, /etc/transport but I´m not sure what´s the best way or if there are any hidden traps. And at this time it is not clear for me if a full qualificated email-address can be used as target in these postfix files. man transport uses hops/hosts/etc. as targets, no fq. mail addresses, so I´m not sure if I can use that. Even in google-search I did not found clearly syntax examples (for exactly this case) Thank you for any hints in advance!