Forward incomming bounce email using Postfix

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by jonathanfonken, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. jonathanfonken

    jonathanfonken New Member

    Hi everyone I'm a newbie to Postfix and just started learning about it....

    I would like to forward incoming bounce emails (only) to other users on other domains.

    Just as an example on all email headers the "return-path" (which is the bounce to address) will be something like this.

    [email protected]

    I would like to keep the bounce messages in the [email protected] inbox and at the same time forward all incoming bounce messages to [email protected].

    So I will need to parse the "" and change it to [email protected] then forward the bounce email to someuser....

    The problem is that the [email protected] address is constantly changing... Is there anything that can help me achieve this goal?

    Or perhaps is there an easier way to do this? Any suggestions are appreciated.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009

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