FreeRadius + AD + static ip assignment

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by JurajL, Feb 16, 2016.

  1. JurajL

    JurajL New Member

    Hi I need help with assigning static IP addresses from Active Directory
    I'm using FreeRadius version 3.0.10
    I understand, that I should use LDAP atribute mapping, but with no success.
    Trying to do something like
    update reply {
    Framed-IP-Address = &msRADIUSFramedIPAddress
    also, msRAD... is binary, so there should be some conversion.
    While trying to run radius -X the msRADIUSFramedIPAddress is unknown atribute
    I'm just so lost in this mapping, readying and trying several days.
    And when this all is working I'm not quite sure if just put Framed-IP-Address to the default user settings between other attributes.
    I would really appreciate help.
    Thank you
    Juraj Lehotsky
    futureman likes this.

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