Fresh Install of FC4 using Perfect Install HowTo

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by latcarf, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. nandhu

    nandhu New Member

    I had similar problem, make sure you do not have anything after

    like I had LABEL=/1 (the one here might be the culprit).

    I removed the one and then my line in /etc/fstab looked like the following:
    LABEL=/ / ext3 defaults,usrquota,grpquota 1 1
    and with that everything else was a cake walk.

    thanks for such a nice how to from falkotimme.

    - Nanda.
  2. latcarf

    latcarf New Member

    Thanks Nanda

    It turns out everything was okay. Just being new to this I was uneasy any time I see the words warning or error. :)

    Yes, it is a good forum :)

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