I have seen a couple of other threads around but no-one has come to an answer as far as I can see. Can someone give me some pointers to installing frontpage 2002 extentions on my server. I have already got ISPConfig setup and running fully on Suse 10. I.e. What files I need and what to do with them. Thanks
You need the frontpage 2002 server extensions from Microsoft. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...ad-e1ad-4100-9b76-8772a8220062&displaylang=en Microsoft provides some installation instructions in the installer tar.gz file.
Has anyone else done this... if so did you run into any problems.... any pointers you can suggest. Thanks
I was going to follow this guide but ignore steps 3 and 4 as I have apache2 ... Can anyone see any problems with this guide... would you still have to do step 5 and re-compile and install if apache is already installed... run step 6 as is, but leave the rest out as ISPConfig would create the web sites with frontpage added in right?????? Any guidence on this would be much appreciated. Thanks
On second thought I will be using the instructions that microsoft give in their frontpage release. As I am not at my server at the moment can someone tell me where apachectl will be if apache was installed in default locations... I am trying to get all the instructions together to save time later on. So I should get the tar file and extract it to where???? should the install scripts be extracted to the same location???? Thanks
I think you should test-run the Frontpage installation on a test system before you break your real system... I installed Frontpage 2 or 3 years ago, all I remember is it is a mess. I finally got it to work, but don't ask how...
ok got so far through the install but I cant find apachectl file anywhere... I did a locate on the file and got back T1-01:/ # locate apachectl /usr/share/man/man8/apachectl2.8.gz /usr/share/zsh/4.2.5/functions/_apachectl T1-01:/ # Which cant be right or is it..... I have tried /usr/local but my search on the net said that it would be here under a folder called apache but thats not there either..... Now I know its installed because I have got all the web pages working ect... through ISPConfig..... Any one have any ideas. Thanks
You can have a look in your apache start script in /etc/init.d, the apachectl script must be listed inside.
Yes it it is... it took me a while to find that one... thats the trouble with not using linux all the time... its takes time to learn where to look for things.... I know that you sort of said that installing frontpage was not the best idea... but I have gone for it anyway... the trouble I have now is that the setup script exits.... I am running the one that camw with the frontpage.tar... after it asks me what install to use (install 3) it tells me that my apache version is to new press "Y" to continue, after pressing "Y" it ends the install.... the one thing I need to try is to run the scripts from the command line instead of just double clicking on it and see if there is an error... I will post whatever I can come up with. Thanks
I dont mean to sound un-appreciative I think the work you have done on ISPConfig has been grade A.... but to have an option in there to enable FrontPage and then not fully explain or offer documented help guides like the perfect-setup guides on how to get it working is a little strange to say the least... how ever trying to get it working my self is teaching me a lot about how to use Linux ect..... As I said you do a great job with everything, perhaps something for you to think about doing in the future ( A short manual/guide on these small add-ons) Thanks
Maybe you not fully understand frontpage for linux. This package has been made available by microsoft but it does not really integrates itself into linux. If you use frontpage with FTP in the same website it will mess up your permissions. ISPConfig supports frontpage because some poeple needed it, but this does not mean that we have to provide howtos for that. You are free to write a howto on that topic when you finished your installation. I've installed frontpage on a debian box some time ago and it took me about a day or more to get it working. Mabe the better solution might be to remove the frontpage support from ISPConfig at all.
Maybe remove it as you say.... it gets a little confusing when you offer an option in your software but as you say frontpage is not really a linux thing... I totaly agree... all I am trying to do is offer my customers as many options as I can.... if it turns out that frontpage is too unreliable on my hosting server then it will be taken off..... And if I do manage to get it working I will put a guide on the forum.... I cant stress enough that I wasn't having a go at you falko or the software... as I said you do a great job....... it just fustrating why software just doesn't integrate with each other. Thanks for all your help on everythin.
Frontpage is a mess, and if you ask me it should be forbidden. I hate it, and I don't feel like writing a howto for these damn special MS solutions that the world hasn't been waiting for... However, it's in ISPConfig because there are people who insist on using it. They can do so if they know how to install Frontpage on Linux, but we cannot support them because this setup is a mess even for Till and me... I hope you understand my point... I think MS did this Frontpage-for-Linux thing not really whole-heartedly...
To be honest after reading the last few posts and having yet another look on the web for any hints and how to do it... I feel that it may not be the best option for me to try..... I think its probably best to not install frontpage. Lets face it I no nothing compared to you two and if you have probelms what will I get..... and I really dont want to install my system again... I have jsut got it to a point where everything works..... Thanks