ftp password rejected

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by SirLancelot, Apr 21, 2009.

  1. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    Now I think we are getting somwhere.
    mysql will not let me log in:-

    test:~# mysql

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
    I've also tried:-

    mysql -u root
    mysql -u admin
    mysql -u steve

    mysql -u root -p mypassword
    mysql -u admin -p mypassword
    mysql -u steve -p mypassword

    they all produce:-

    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user
    though i can log in with phpmyadmin and if I select table "ftp_user" steve_ftp is there.
    It is strange that I am unable to connect from the command line as this is the 5'th time that I have built an ISPConfig 3 server and the problem is always the same.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please note the difference, you said that steve_ftp is there but you tried to login with steve-ftp with the FTP client (underscore not -). Please try to login with steve_ftp with your ftp client now.
  3. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    Sorry that was a typo the user that is in the table "ftp_user" is steve-ftp.

    And I am able to log into mysql from the command line with:-

    mysql -u root -p
    I wasnt thinking earlier.

    The output of:-

    select * from ftp_user where username like "%steve%";
    does confirm the ftp user is correct:-

    | ftp_user_id | sys_userid | sys_groupid | sys_perm_user | sys_perm_group | sys_perm_other | server_id | parent_domain_id | username  | password                           | quota_size | active | uid  | gid     | dir                           | quota_files | ul_ratio | dl_ratio | ul_bandwidth | dl_bandwidth |
    |           2 |          2 |           2 | riud          | riud           |                |         1 |                1 | steve-ftp | $1$]x[ZlDk{$iqfI7NbkFBsUBhnrPcDLr1 |         -1 | y      | web1 | client1 | /var/www/clients/client1/web1 |          -1 |       -1 |       -1 |           -1 |           -1 |
    1 row in set (1.02 sec)
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2009
  4. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    I am now thinking that there is something strange with how the password is saved, because if I change the password for "steve-ftp" in ISPConfig to something like "123456" then issue:-

    select * from ftp_user where username like "%steve%";
    the follwing is displayed:-

    | ftp_user_id | sys_userid | sys_groupid | sys_perm_user | sys_perm_group | sys_perm_other | server_id | parent_domain_id | username  | password                           | quota_size | active | uid  | gid     | dir                           | quota_files | ul_ratio | dl_ratio | ul_bandwidth | dl_bandwidth |
    |           2 |          2 |           2 | riud          | riud           |                |         1 |                1 | steve-ftp | $1$iA@S_fYP$oFSVwi/B1PMg1hfUxJs4G0 |         -1 | y      | web1 | client1 | /var/www/clients/client1/web1 |          -1 |       -1 |       -1 |           -1 |           -1 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    now if I again change the password in ISPConfig to something else, then change it back to "123456" and again issue at the command prompt:-

    select * from ftp_user where username like "%steve%";
    The following is generated:-

    | ftp_user_id | sys_userid | sys_groupid | sys_perm_user | sys_perm_group | sys_perm_other | server_id | parent_domain_id | username  | password                           | quota_size | active | uid  | gid     | dir                           | quota_files | ul_ratio | dl_ratio | ul_bandwidth | dl_bandwidth |
    |           2 |          2 |           2 | riud          | riud           |                |         1 |                1 | steve-ftp | $1$LJ{jwQ]L$qR3hTenZw0ueRN7MDhjkO0 |         -1 | y      | web1 | client1 | /var/www/clients/client1/web1 |          -1 |       -1 |       -1 |           -1 |           -1 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    As can be seen the encrypted password is now different even though I set it to "123456" in both cases.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats all fine. This is named a salted password, it is always different so it can not be attacked with wordbook attacks. Al Linux passwords are saved as salted passwords for this reason.
  6. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    OK thanks, at least I know the ftp account and password are being stored correctly. I just cannot seem to get to the bottom of the login problem.
  7. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    I'm pretty convinced that this is an issue with the original debian template that I am using, as it does not seem to matter how many times I try to rebuild my ISPConfig 3 server the error with ftp password rejected is always the same.
    I believe that Hypervm uses a jailtime xen domu image to build xen domu servers. I had a look at the image details listed at:-


    and it states that:-

    Is it possible that this could cause a problem?
    I may be just grasping at straws here.
  8. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member


    Though I used the brute force method.
    If you use HyperVM to administrate your Xen domu's there is an issue with the osteplate (at least for Debian) this also goes for the Debian image from jailtime.org. (though I am not sure about other distros), that prevents ftp from working when ISPConfig 3 is installed.
    In order to get ISPConfig 3 working as a domu using HyperVM I had to install a xen dom0 on an old server, then create a basic debian domu with ssh installed. Then convert the domu image to a formate that HyperVM uses (debian-5.0-i386-minimal.tar.gz) then move this to the xen ostemplates of the HyperVM server. I was then able to use this template for building the ISPConfig 3 server, and all worked perfectly.

    Many thanks to all involved while trying to fix this.
  9. TomasZu

    TomasZu New Member

    EDIT: noobish me, slipped under username prefix...
    Last edited: May 15, 2013
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you use ubuntu 12.04 LTS then its very unlikely thats its the same problem as the problem is about a issue in a debian image from jailtime.org and not a ispconfig specific problem.

    The most likely reason for rejected passwords is that you tried to use a wrong ftp username, e.g. using it without prefix. Take a look at the ftp user list in ispconfig, you have to use the full ftp username incl. prefix as it is displayed there.
  11. TomasZu

    TomasZu New Member

    yes, you are 100% right.

    Is there any magic to get rid of prefix for ftp users ?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    See: System > Interface > Main config
  13. TomasZu

    TomasZu New Member

    thank you twice till. I'll check it later.

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