ftpusers / proftp

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by doddel, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. doddel

    doddel New Member

    Configuration: ISPConfig on virtual private server with Fedora core 2.
    Problem: after populating ISPConfig with clients, sites, and mailusers and a manual creation of /etc/virtuser.db (fails to be done automatically) the websites and mail work fine.
    But FTP, although enabled in the user menus, doesn't function. Had a look at /etc/proftpd.conf which allows FTP for users that belong to the 'ftpusers' group.
    In /etc/groups the group ftpuser exists but it is not populated. All mailusers feature in the 'users' group.
    Have i forgotten a setting somewhere ? Searched in /root/ispconfig for the string 'ftpusers' but none of the php scripts seem to contain this word. How is this group supposed to get populated ? Should proftpd allow the 'users' group instead ? But ftpusers are a subgroup of users I guess.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. doddel

    doddel New Member

    Dear Falko,

    thanks for the suggestion but it did not work.
    Although I have no clue why, got it to work with following three steps of measures and editing:
    1) created a //etc/ftpuser populated with list

    (copied this from my previous virtual server with Fedora; perhaps not necessary)

    2) added in //etc/group after ftpusers:x:501: the web{n}_username list of site administrators

    3) changed in passwd for these users the shell from /dev/null into /bin/false

    Then FTP works ..... ??????
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have you checked the FTP checkbox in ISPConfig for the web site of the users in question? Because then their shell shouldn't be /dev/null...
  5. doddel

    doddel New Member

    Dear Falko,

    there is no FTP checkbox entry under 'User&Email', or under individual users in the list of users. The checkbox at the site level is checked for FTP access, and unchecked for anonymous access. So I am really puzzled how this is supposed to work.
    Any user with a web_user site should have FTP access to that site. The user with admin rights should have ftp to all web_user sites.
    The client should have ftp access to web site + all web_user sites.

    Now looking at passwd, group, ftpusers, and virtusertable, what should show where ?

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's the checkbox I meant (on the "Basis" tab).
    If this one is checked, then all the users of the web site (under "User & Email") should have a shell different from /dev/null which means they can login using FTP.
    If your users have /dev/null as shell, then something went wrong. You can have a look at the ISPConfig log /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/ispconfig.log.

    A client cannot login because a client is something that exists only in ISPConfig, i.e., a client is no real system user. He can only login to ISPConfig!

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