Getting SSL for Server

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by pawan, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. pawan

    pawan Member

    Hi Till
    I want to generate the SSL for which is my ispconfig server.
    But I don't have any subdomain for server1, so how can I generate the SSL certificate for this?
    Can I create a subdomain Vhost - server1 without causing any harm?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. pawan

    pawan Member

    I think I have some incorrect assumption.
    What I was thinking that by creating SSL certificate for
    I will be able to access ISPCONFIG CP using https, but that is not happening.
    I am able to access
    but once I add :8080 I am getting the Self signed Certificate, which raises warning in the browser.
    So What I want to achieve is accessing the ISPCONFIF CP using https using letsencypt.

    is it possible? with any redirect or get the certificate including the port 8080
  4. pawan

    pawan Member

    Got It working, whether that is the right approach, I am not sure.
    I have copied over the ssl part from vhost to ispconfig.vhost replacing it.
    Restarted Apache.
    Now it is working fine without any issue of self signed. It is showing signed by letsencrypt
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    your approach will break on each update. the right approach would have been to replace the ispconfig ssl cert files in /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ with symlinks to the ssl cert files of the website.
    pawan likes this.
  6. pawan

    pawan Member

    Thanks Till,
    I will do it as you suggested.

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