Gitlab pushing html to webserver

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by CrypticDesigns, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Hello fellow programmers,

    Since a while I am trying out Gitlab to see what features it had and if its usefull to use. I've also installed Gitlab CI with a multi-runner.
    Everything looks nice and its perfect to use within a team working on new projects. However I would like to setup something to check our .html files live running on a webserver. What needs to be achived:
    - New comment is being pushed on gitlab
    - Some sort of software/configuration detects the new push
    - The software automatically syncs the pushed file into the webserver so we could check it live to see if it looks like we like.

    Does anybody have experience with this? Or could anybody give me a direction where I could go with?

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