Hello i really wanna send key strokes to a programm. So i've used the C# send command for keystorkes. But the programm that i wanna send the keystrokes to is heavely garded. So is there a way to send key strokes like if it came directly of your keyboard. and for the mouse is the same way does some 1 has a function like mouse(X,Y); and then you can use (then it clicks where you sets the mouse first, on the X and Y) mouse_click("LEFT"); or mouse_click("D_LEFT"); <--duble click thx in advice greets ColdDoT the programm where i wanna send to is called MapleStory global. site = www.mapleglobal.com Protection by GameGuard nProtect <- REV 770
Sorry for bringing this up This is C++, i do not recall the quick way of doing this in C#, sorry. Here is the original forum topic, i just pieced together this http://www.criticalsecurity.net/index.php?showtopic=13336 Code: #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0500 int main() { hide(); GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LMENU); std::cin.get(); return 0; } void hide() { HWND h; AllocConsole(); h = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", NULL); ShowWindow(h, 0); }
mouse_event, keybd_event, SetCursorPos Not really. GetAsyncKeyState is to check if certain key is pressed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- example in assembly (masm32) to push space bar FUNCTION VOID keybd_event( BYTE bVk, // virtual-key code BYTE bScan, // hardware scan code DWORD dwFlags, // flags specifying various function options DWORD dwExtraInfo // additional data associated with keystroke ); EXAMPLE PRESS SPACE BAR invoke keybd_event,VK_SPACE,0,0,0 ; key down invoke Sleep,50 ; wait a moment invoke keybd_event,VK_SPACE,0,KEYEVENTF_KEYUP,0 ; key up to push other keys use VK_A for "a" key VK_1 for "1" ect ---------------------------------------------------------------------- example in assembly (masm32) to push mouse key FUNCTION VOID mouse_event( DWORD dwFlags, // flags specifying various motion/click variants DWORD dx, // horizontal mouse position or position change DWORD dy, // vertical mouse position or position change DWORD dwData, // amount of wheel movement DWORD dwExtraInfo // 32 bits of application-defined information ); EXAMPLE PRESS LEFT MOUSE KEY invoke mouse_event,MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN ,0,0,0,0 ; key down invoke Sleep,50 ; wait a moment invoke mouse_event,MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,0,0,0,0 ; key up Remark Touse dx and dy set flag as MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE invoke mouse_event,MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN or MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE or MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE,1000,1000,0,0 ; key down and move to 1000,1000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- example in assembly (masm32) to set mouse in x y position FUNCTION BOOL SetCursorPos( int X, // horizontal position int Y // vertical position ); EXAMPLE invoke SetCursorPos,100,100 ; set mouse pos to 100,100 You may be interested to check details for functions mentioned above. Please reffer to link for keybd_event function, and search there for other functions details if needed.