There are only 4 alternatives to install PHP at all on a apache webserver. 1) mod_php 2) SuPHP 3) PHP as CGI with SuEXEC 4) PHP as fastCGI 2 + 3 are basically the same and 4 is much more compliacted to configure. So the way to go is with SuPHP. As you dont believe us here in the forum, you should ask apache and PHP expert in another forum to tell you the ways how PHP can be run with apache. This is not ISPConfig specific at all. No, there isnt and this is also not ISPConfig related. There are only a few possibilities to run PHP scripts in a SECURE manner. Sure, install SuPHP. How often shall I repeat this again in the same thread? There is no suffering with that at all, you just refuse to install the needed software.
this is not an ispcofig issue I know Im only new to linux but Im sure that this is not an issue of the web managers making or unmaking. Its a general issue with linux and part of the process of keeping your server secure from hackers and the like. There may be web managment systems that use vertal techniques or such to get around this issue but ravencore isnt one of them and from what I have seen ravenscore would be a very big step backwards and is why I didnt go with ravenscore in the first place. The errors that people are getting from there ravenscore manager are fare greater than those people are getting from ispconfig which has a look and feal that is much more professional and has many options greater than ravenscore. But thats only my opinion as I havent actualy had a server setup withit at this stage and probably wont for the time being.
Till i think you missed the point where i have attempted a suphp install failed of course but still attempted it. I believe the errors were starting to show up in How To Set Up suPHP With PHP4 And PHP5 in the steps of using vhost files the actuall tutorial mentions creating a vhost but isnt clear enough for a linux dummy like me normally a vhost file is a section placed in apache2.conf. I believe steve gave up on suphp right about at that point where he previously asked for clarification on what to do in that section of the tutorial and none was given. Would you be interested in doing this setup for me with the way we have described so far for a fee ? I can do a base install of an ubuntu with open-ssh access and supply you with details for root access
The vhosts file must not be modified, this is all done by ISPConfig. You must just install the suphp program and then enable it in the file from ISPConfig. If you want to get commercial support, plesae contact me by mail under info [at] projektfarm [dot] de
The suphp setup guide is incomplet Well at least now we are getting somewhere because this file is not mentioned in the setup guide anywhere and If this was the cause of my failed attempt then its no wonder because this makes the suphp setup guide incomplet as I have stated over and over. Please Till can you or somebody provide a set of extra additional inclusive info at the end of the guide to let people of various linux versions know what is needed to complet the install and Setup of suphp. I would also like a guide that didnt require me to install php4 as I would prefer to just have php5 on my machine. Maybe the guide for suphp could be expanded and improved in a number of ways. Thankyou till for taking the time to read and comment on our little discussion even if its a little frustrating for you. Thanks
This setup guide is not for ISPConfig, so its not mentioned there. That you must change the file is mentioned in the suphp installation threads here in the forum. The howto explains you how to install suphp binary which is nescessary for ISPConfig. You dont have to install php4. Please search the forums for the word "suphp" to get several threads with instructions.
steve ive just successfully set it up heres what i did do a your server install then install ISPConfig and don't touch it then follow the How To Set Up suPHP With PHP4 And PHP5 do all parts excluding the 7.2 now go edit ISPConfig about what you've done, edit /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ find the line: Code: $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'both'; and change to: Code: $go_info["server"]["apache2_php"] = 'suphp'; after you done that open vi /etc/suphp.conf and edit these settings or you wont be able to run php due to write permisions allow_file_group_writeable=true allow_file_others_writeable=false allow_directory_group_writeable=true allow_directory_others_writeable=false also at the bottom of the same file where you ment to include [handlers] ;Handler for php-scripts x-httpd-php=php:/usr/bin/php4-cgi x-httpd-php5=php:/usr/bin/php5-cgi i decided to only go with php5-cgi due to been a noob at this still and not knowing where i would include host info if you follow all the steps as they have them and in that sequence you should be fine. Also mysql in php4 doesn't load i came across a couple of posts about it but nothing concrete. something about loading it as an extension in php 4. hunting all this has taken me 8 fresh install over 50 mugs of coffe and a lot of frustration. Thanks for the info you guys suplied here but currently for this setup there was too much digging. I hope someone with the skill to do a HOW TO can include a server - suphp - ispconfig currently it takes reading 3 how to and 3 pages of forum posts on suphp thanks till and falko for the pointers
Thanks webspot I will have a go on the new server when it arives in a couple of days, and Ill try to make note of everything I do and see if we can get it added to the suphp setup guide for people like us. I do remember finding posts about the files you mention and trying them but maybe I made too many changes in the end. Anyway did you need to restart apache or php after changes or anything like that. Im not willing to play with the current server as its all working at the moment and I dont want to risk it as I already have 6 sites running of it, takes to long to rebuild everything if it dosnt work. Also is this going to work on a server that is already hosting lots of sites?? This could be my issue as when I tried I was already hosting sites on the server. Is there anything extra I should know for a server thats already up and hosting. Particularly because I am hosting only Joomla sites. Do I need to setup the new server move everything accross and then re-build the old server using suphp???? Its not realy good as a solution if it wont work on an already functioning server but better than nothing Thanks Everyone
it should work as once you apply any site a setting change to a site the vhost file get written with ispconfig to use suphp. Not sure about existing ownerships tho thats something till and falko would have to help us with. The only times i restarted the server was mentioned in the 3 set ups.
Glad you guys are getting it worked out. I'll wait for your "SUPHP Install Guide for ISPconfig" before I attempt it. I won't have any live Joomla sites until 1.5 is out of beta anyway.
zend optimizer ubuntu 6.10 ispconfig Hi Till I would lik} to inc,ude the°zend opæimizer mn my inRtall bux the the only install guide I can find dosnt seem to put things in the right places. This is the current guide I have found and I dont think It will-work wi<hout mofificati/n to su(te my s;stem. =buntu 6.10 edgy perfect setup. Can I install this after ispconfig or is it better to install before ispconfig, what would be the difnerence ánd what!extra s5eps wou8d be renuired iä installing on a system with ispconfig and numerous websites ---------------------------------------------------------- Zend Optimizer Get'the latdst versaon of tie Zend Optimizeû from [srl][/url] and save it in your /tmp/ directory. cd /tmp/ tar xvfz ZendOptimizer-2.5.7-linux-glibc>1-i386.4ar.gz ãd ZendO'timizerˆ2.5.7-lMnux-glic21-i38/data/5_0_x_comp/ mkdir /usr/local/lib/Zend mv /usr/local/lib/Zend/ Edit /etc/php.ini and add two more lines to tze PHP: !section$of the |ile at >he begiEning so¤that it8looks like this: [PHP] zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/ioncube/ zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/Zend/ZendOptikizer.soOzend_ottimizeroptimiz!tion_le¶el=15 Now reRtart Apache2: /etc/init.d/httpd restart ---------------------------------------------------------------- Ok now my php.ini file !s not lgcated aû shown ebove etc its ïetc/phpO/apache3/php.ini so what directory should I be installing everything to. I used the ubuntu 6.10 edgy perfect install. Can you advise as t what cîanges nåed to bd made tï the abGve file`before x do the install. Also maybe there is a apt-get install version available that may be easier, I dont know. Any advice would be greatªy accepqed
Please use the guide above with the following modifications: 1) Use the php.ini in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini 2) Dont add this line: zend_extension=/usr/local/lib/ioncube/ It is for the ioncube loader and not for zend. 3) To restart your apache server, run: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Please make a new thread the next time if you want to ask a question that does not belong to the thread topic
Till the setup i explained works for me 99% the owner is correct whether install is done via joomla or files uploaded by ftp. In this case owner is fish the group is web2 been the 2nd website. with one exception tho and im not clear why its happening any time i install a mambot, component or module via joomla unless i set the folder that includes that installed mambot, module or component to 755 after install it just wont work. At first look it shows that the actual instaled / uploaded file has 755 but it really doesn't not till i set the whole folders permision to 755 and include all files and folders under that will it work. I can live with that not a huge problem but would be nice not to have to do that. thx
Has anyone moved from a fedora ensim config to a ispconfig on debian.. I am curious where I should have my $mosConfig_cachepath = I use to have with ensim setup on fedora.. in my configuration.php $mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html'; $mosConfig_cachepath = '/home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/cache'; I have figured out absolute path thats easy but what is the CAchepath ?? $mosConfig_absolute_path = '/home/www/web2/web'; $mosConfig_allowUserRegistration = '0'; $mosConfig_back_button = '0'; $mosConfig_cachepath = '/home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/cache';
"www-data" who is that guy? Excuse for being so stupid but.....I have made the Centos 4.4 perfect setup (thank you so much for writing it) and I am fairly sure that there is no www-data user or group. Could it be that it is named somehow else on CentOS? Thank you in advance... Yiannos
I think Redhat and it's derivatives (like CentOS) use 'apache' as the user/group name. It's Debian that deviates from the base packages.
Thank you for your reply. COuld smn confirm this positively please so that I do not chown my files to sth wrong? Thanks again EDIT: I did a test installation of my CMS and although at the first installation page (after the chown) all dirs turned to green, at the end of the installation the installer compained that the directory is not writeable and I had to make the configuration.php file by hand. I did that and finished the install but now (after removing the installation dir) when I visit the site root, the index.php tries to take me to the installation again. I suppose that the apache:apache is not exactly correct and the install script could not alter the index.php file - right? EDIT2: (for completeness) I had forgotten to chown the root dir of the site. Now all is ok Thanks again again
suphp part 6 Apache Configuration Hi Webspot Just going threw the motions of setting up the new server and got to part 6 of the suphp setup guide and realised that I don’t know what file I should be modifying. Can I ask you what files you modified here and where were they on your system because I am under the impression that ispconfig does all the modifications on the vhost files??? As its a new box I haven’t setup, any sites yet so is there any files to change or do I just skip this part. Thanks Steve
instalation files Hi I hope you already found your problem but as I understand the index.php always checks for the install file within the install directory so If its not removed you get a worning to remove it etc. Can only occure if the install files still exist.