How do I create different subdomains...?

Discussion in 'General' started by tom, Jun 26, 2006.

  1. tom

    tom Member

    How do I create different subdomains for diffent users and ftp accounts/directorys which belongs to that diffenrent users?
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2006
  2. tom

    tom Member

    Ther is an other prob I've got.
    I've deleted the subdomain without a hostname for example [nothing.] Then I've tried to create a new subdomain for getting the standard entrys like [B][/B] and [nothing.] but I get an error everytime.
    but there is no other subdomain only the main domain with the host "www".
    Even I've taken off the DNS entrys with the DNX Manager zbut now new entrys are created while saving the main domain entrys "" even though ISPConfig is told by checkboxes to create DNS entrys.

    I would'nt take off the whole domain for creating a new one. I there an other way to fix this pobs?
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2007
  3. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

    What you need to do is empty the recycle bin and then wait a minute or two and then create the new subdomain.

    Hope this helps.
  4. tom

    tom Member

    Ok, great thanks. The second prob is gone only by waiting I time...:)

    Before I've alreade made the recycle bin emty but it did'nt work. Now with waiting it does.

    What's about my first question how to get directory for subdomains and new users?
  5. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Not sure falko and till should know if it can be done or not.

    But I know that when you create a new user for a site they get there own space on the address which also allows the user to ftp and upload data to that domain address.

    But if that is not what your looking for, you will need to wait for falko and till or someone with more knowledge than me to give you some ideas.
  6. tom

    tom Member

    Is there even a trick like waiting? :)

    I've created a new user for Than I check /var/www/web1/web (documentroot from but I could'nt find an new directory.

    If that would work I would be a work around. Actually I would like to have a new dirctory for a new user that's pointed by

    I supose I can manage ist whith the forward option but I don't no how.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2006
  7. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

    is the user you created the fisr user of the site and/or is the administratot of that site.

    So what you need to do is create first user and make that user the administrator and then create another couple of users, these extra users will have a web directory for them.
  8. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

  9. tom

    tom Member

    Yes, right the new user has got a directory . It's located in
    but I don't now how to reach it with the URL with the forward option but I will try different ways...
  10. tom

    tom Member

    Yes, right the new user has got a directory . It's located in
    but I don't now how to reach it with the URL with the forward option or someway else.
  11. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

  12. tom

    tom Member

    The new user name is web1_test but with I get a 404 error . Unfortunately I dont see the index page.
  13. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

    You can use that user details to ftp either using a client or using the ISPConfig portal and then if you upload a page you will be able to see it.
  14. tom

    tom Member

    I've fixed my prob by creating a new user and domain but whith an differnet hostname as the existing one. And it seems to work.

    newuser can be reached by

    But I'm not sure if that is the usual way.
  15. mphayesuk

    mphayesuk Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If it works.... it works.
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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