Hi all, I recently migrated from old hardware to new, moving ISPConfig all my vhosts etc. - I followed the guides I could find dotted here and there, and things are mostly working. However, I have encountered a strange issue: Error and access logs are not being updated in /var/www/*/log So what's happening is that if I monitor a logfile, say in /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/something.com/error.log errors show up fine. However, they are not being "synched" to the error log located at /var/www/something.com/log/error.log I have another server which was set up from scratch with the same version of ISPConfig 3 where all this works, but I cannot for the life of me figure out by which mechanism this "synching" is happening. I thought there might be symlinking involved, there is not, and then I thought about cron jobs or something like that - but that doesn't quite make sense either. So, how does this function on a working system? And how can I debug what is happening on my "migrated" installation? Thanks!! :O)
Dont miss to copy over the bind mount lines from /etc/fstab to the new server and run mount -a afterwards.
Ah of course! I remember those lines in fstab now, haha - D'oh! Thank you so much Till! Super respect and thanks for all your hard work for the community...!!