Hi there, I have set up ISPConfig 3 on Debian Jessie, and followed the guide Securing Your ISPConfig 3 Installation With A Free Class1 SSL Certificate From StartSSL. I think that the StartSSL homepage has changed a little since this guide was written, but anyway I got it working. I have also set up Webmin on the same server, and now of course I also want Webmin to use the SSL I have installed. As far as I can see, I should add another VHost with the same SSL params, but listening on port 10000 (which is what Webmin is using). But I have no idea how to do this ? Am I on the right track at all ? For a start, I tried to make a copy of ispconfig.vhost, renaming the copy to webmin.vhost, and correcting the port number. This seem to work, as far as I now have the "green light" when I start Webmin on a SSL connection. But within Webmin I cannot see the new Vhost. Is there more to be done ? Cheers Niels